Wednesday 16 January 2008


I still don't have my camera USB cable! It's horrible especially when you have three new plushies completed and new doll finished and all of them ready to admire! I also have three new tote bags and some photographs of Ada to upload and publish.... These tote bags are my first attempts to sew with sewing machine - and, as I propably mentioned before Christmas, I'd felt in love with sewing machine. I know that having one would help me A LOT.
Well, maybe tommorrow would be the day of my going to the photo equipment shop to purchase this valuable tool. AThe more pictures I take of sweet and well done toys, the closer I am to my goal - to have my own style, footprint, or whatever it's called. I mean both: illustration and making toys.

And I want to make a new post at The when the number of plushies makers increases every day. I don't want to be missed.


trinlayk said...

Magpie came today! Just what I needed as I've been soooo sick today.

She's really cheered me up.

trinlayk said...

Oooh!!! does your camera have a memory card (SD, XD or some such) and does your computer maybe have a slot for that memory card?

I find I'm popping the card into the computer most of the time rather than diggging out the cable.

Hope it turns up soon.

Aloutka said...

I do not know anything so specific about my camer, but I have to check it out - thank you for suggestion.

And I'VERY happy to hear magpie reached you and, what's important as well, it made you feel better for a moment!
All the best