Sunday 8 July 2007

baby blanket WIP

I'm working on Malwina's custom order. I changed it a bit: it's more decorated actually than a first sketch. To tell the truth, it's completely different. Exept the swimming otter, which I put here also. Here are embroidered figures of an otter and kitty, playing together in a moonlight. There is a moon embroidered also with a chain stitch, and felt cloud. I used two kinds of polka dots fabrics: navy blue with white and warm brown and beige. I like polka dots, especially on satin textures, I must say.
Malwina wanted me to make this baby blanket of various textures and it is multi-textured: many kinds of fabrics, embroidery, ribbons, polar fleece, denim, cotton, felt and frotte (kitty has a pink frotte towel). Many textures to touch and activate child's curiousity. I hope "story" I'm telling with this blanket will look friendly and nice.

In addition I'm gonna make two heroes of this story: Mr Otter and Miss Kitty. Kitty will be mascot with a rattle, and otter will be much larger - a big pal for the kitty. And for the baby.
Or vice versa - maybe it would be more fun when it would be Miss Otter and Mr Cat? Anyway kitty will be black and otter - white. My two favourite colours - my base.
It's my first attempt to make an appliqued blanket and I'm very curious how it's gonna work out. And also first time when I use my sewing machine! It's too large for me to handsewn it so I needed some machine help. My "genius personal sewer" is not a machine, but a toy, but it can help anyway.

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